Rainbow Reef


Hello everyone!

Today is my birthday and I am turning 36!

On another note, I also wanted to share some big sculptures I have been working on over the last two months.
I am still working on two more and this will be ready to be shipped to “Our Hidden Worlds” a nomadic exhibition about the hidden wonders of our world.

It has been an interesting and rewarding experience to work so big, albeit time consuming and with a lot of structural problems to solve.
Here some pictures of the progress so far!

You can read more about the project on “Our Hidden Worlds” ‘s website!

I expect to finish the sculpting this week, hopefully the varnishing this week-end so I can package everything to be shipped next week!
I’ve got a lot of other projects waiting for me after this one, but I can’t tell you much about those!

I am also going to close my shop next Monday until October, when I’ll have a few small artworks for Christmas. Or at least that’s the plan! It’s difficult for me to know how much time I’ll have to work on these, as I have a lot of upcoming shows and projects.



Modern Music


Game of Shrooms 2021