Recap of Week 11 of Miniature Fruit and Vegetables

Daily Mini Veggie, Week 11, 2015, Stéphanie Kilgast

Hello :)I'm really getting the hang of sculpting miniature leaves! THIS is exactly why I started this challenge, to force myself to learn and tackle things I usually would shy away from.Today I tried another version of caning kiwis and I'm not too happy about it, so I will re-work it! *fierce look* the kiwis are not too bad (see below) but it's not exactly that, so well, will try again :Miniature Kiwis, Stéphanie KilgastThe kiwis were meant for tomorrow, alas, I will have to make something else. I won't have the time to make a kiwi cane tomorrow and I also have some orders to finish and ship. (waving at her wonderful customers)IF you have a brilliant idea of an easy fruit or veggie for me to sculpt tomorrow, I'm all ears! It's not always easy to find what I shall sculpt :)AND I finally started to make some extra fruit to *gasp* sell!This is a tricky one and something I also very much enjoy with this challenge. I don't sculpt on time or wondering if it's going to be sellable, I sculpt to make it the most realistic possible, and this is very liberating.As an artist/artisan you always keep in mind how much you can ask for the hours you put into your work, so at some point, it might seem useless to make it better and you settle on an "good enough". It's a fine balance between "looking good" and "being sellable".With this challenge? Ha! Who cares? If I need 3 hours to make just one vegetable, that's ok :)Anyway! It's time for some yoga, my shoulders are tense!xxStéphanie


Miniature fruit and vegetables, Stéphanie Kilgast, PetitPlat

Week 12 of Tiny Cute Veggies and Fruit


Week 10 (70 Days!) of Daily Miniature Fruit and Veggies