Miniature Vegetables and Fruit, Week 13

Daily Mini Veggie, Week 13, 2015, Stéphanie KilgastHey Folks :)Daily miniature vegetable and fruit project on //dailyminiveggie.tumblr.comWe took off for a few days last Sunday and are just back, yaay! so for once I sculpted most veggies in advance and posted them on my tumblr from my phone. (yay technology!)We just got home an hour ago, so I'll post about our short (and awesome) trip in another post (or posts) in the coming days/weeks.Now is the time to waddle through the pool of unanswered mails, orders and hopefully no angry customers.I usually am more thorough about leaving visible notes when I leave, but this trip was *very* spontaneous.I didn't even have the time to make anything about april fool's!Ok, work's calling :)See ya!xxStéphanie


Week 14 of Miniature Vegetables and Fruit and Hemp Curtains, Maybe?


Week 12 of Tiny Cute Veggies and Fruit