Miniature Food Tutorial Book


Book in English and French in 120 pages.

Book is for beginners and advanced clayers. You will find the basics if you don’t know a thing about polymer clay and the projects are of different levels.

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Miniature Food Tutorial Book – Party Food in Miniature – PetitPlat Stephanie Kilgast
======= = = =
In a small 21 x 21 cm format, you will find not 10, not 15…
but 21 projects centered around holiday times throughout the year.
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Birthday and Wedding in a small colorful book.
Laughs and fun guaranteed!
Book in English and French in 120 pages.
Book is for beginners and advanced clayers. You will find the basics if you don’t know a thing about polymer clay and the projects are of different levels.

This book is the result of a few months of hard work. As the author-editor I wrote it myself, did the layout and will sell and send it.

I’m alone behind all of this, I will do my best to be quick, but thanks for being patient 🙂

NB: I ship to Italy ONLY with additional tracking option included! (sorry, too many packages disappear there).
If you need tracking for the book it will be 8 euro extra, please add this option at checkout (will be presented to you)


f r a n ç a i s

Frais de port inclus (sans suivi, si vous souhaitez un suivi, merci de me contacter)
Option Italie + 8 euro (pour un envoi en recommandé).

Dans un format 21 x 21 cm, voici
non pas 10, ni 15… mais
21 projets sur le thème des
fêtes qui rythment l’année.
Noël, Pâques, Halloween,
Anniversaire et Mariage dans un
petit livre compact et coloré.
Humour et amusement garantis!
Livre bilingue français et anglais en 120 pages.
Adapté aux bilingues tout comme aux confirmés (on voit les bases et les projets sont de différents niveaux).

Ce livre est le résultat de plusieurs mois de travail. En tant qu’auteure-éditeur j’ai écrit et mis en page cet ouvrage.

Comme je suis seule derrière cette entreprise, merci de montrer un peu de patience 🙂

Mysterious Nature - Geheimnisvolle Nature - Coloring Book
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